Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

02 October 2024

By submitting your application for a Practical Program (fieldwork or travel program) you (the “Participant”) confirm that you accept and agree to these terms. If you submit an application for an Online course and then subsequently choose to also do any Practical Programs, you will also be confirming that you accept and agree to these terms.

You will enter into a binding legal agreement with GVI Travel Limited or GVI Programs Limited (depending on the applicable program), which trade as GVI (“GVI”, “we”, “us”, “our”). Please ensure you read them carefully and do not hesitate to ask your Enrollment Manager any questions about them before you complete your booking.

We reserve the right to amend these terms at any time. All amendments to these terms and conditions will be posted online. Please make sure you check regularly to see any amendments that may have been made.


Services Provided


GVI agrees to organise a Program and/or other course(s) as agreed upon in writing between you and GVI (being “your GVI program”). Our services are those outlined in the “what’s included” section of the website program page and the field manual.

Please note, program details, activities and/or sample itineraries as defined on our website and in enrollment materials are based on currently available information or activities. GVI and its partners reserve the right to make changes to your GVI program and/or substitute program activities with activities of a similar nature or merit based on the needs of our local communities and in-field partners. We will do our utmost to keep you updated on any changes prior to your GVI program commencement where possible.

Any information we provide, including but not limited to information about insurance, flights, visas, vaccinations, healthcare, climate, baggage, group sizes and special equipment is given in good faith for informational purposes only.  For the avoidance of doubt, the information provided by GVI is merely guidance for the participants to make their own decisions, and GVI and its partners cannot be held responsible for firstly, any loss incurred as a result of the information provided, nor secondly, any consequence arising from potential inaccurate information as the case may be.


Refusal of Service


GVI reserves the right to refuse your application to join a GVI program, at any time, for any reason.


Application Process


During the application process you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Legal name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Swimming ability (if applicable)
  • Criminal history
  • Medical history – including mental health, current medications, vaccination status and any medical requirements
  • Dietary requirements
  • Citizenship & country of residence


You confirm that all information you provide during the application process is complete and correct. You must immediately update GVI if this information changes prior to your program commencement or during your program. Failure to provide complete, accurate and truthful information on the application will be grounds for cancellation without refund.


Privacy Policy and Data Protection


Personal Data and Data protection is handled in line with our Privacy Policy.


Documentation Required



You are required to secure travel and medical insurance to protect you against losses caused by travel, loss or damage of baggage and or personal effects by any means, non-refundable airfare, emergency security or medical evacuation and other medical expenses including medical coverage for exposure/infection of any viruses. It is strongly recommended that you purchase trip cancellation cover to protect yourself against losses relating to your inability to travel for medical reasons or if someone in your family takes ill or dies suddenly as our “Cancellation & Refunds” policies outlined below will still apply to these instances. The policy must cover the entire duration of your GVI program and include all activities you may undertake during your GVI program such as manual, conservation and volunteer work where applicable. GVI and our partners cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of personal effects by any means whatsoever. The details of your insurance policy must be provided prior to program commencement for your protection.

Background/police check

You must supply a background (police) check at your own expense. Details on how to complete this process will be supplied prior to commencing fieldwork.  You agree that your participation on a GVI program is subject to the outcome of this check.  As per the Application Process clause of these terms, failure to disclose in advance any known criminal history is grounds for cancellation of your program without refund.

Health & Medical Forms

A medical form, and a PADI medical form, if applicable, will be provided at the time of booking and must be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of your program (or as otherwise agreed by GVI in writing on a case-by-case basis). A failure to disclose any known medical conditions or a misrepresentation of any medical information is grounds for cancellation of your program without refund.

In the event your medical history changes following your acceptance onto a GVI program, and either your treating physician, or GVI, has determined that you are no longer physically or mentally fit to participate in a GVI Program, you will have the following options:

  • Cancel your program and book a later start date. The new start date will need to be signed off by a doctor, confirming you are physically or mentally fit to travel. GVI reserves the right to require additional documentation to support this sign off; or
  • Cancel your program and claim your program fees from your travel insurance. Please note many travel insurance plans do not cover mental health. Please read any plans carefully prior to purchasing insurance to ensure you are covered for any eventuality.

For certain locations or programs, you may be required to be fully vaccinated with a vaccine approved by the WHO, or you may need to be free of certain viruses, prior to arriving on your GVI program. If this is required for your selected program:

  • It is your responsibility to plan in advance to ensure you have sufficient time to receive the required doses or tests.
  • You will be required to supply evidence of the required vaccination or test (such as an official government vaccination card) prior to program commencement. This information  will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
  • Medical exemptions for vaccination will only be permitted in limited circumstances and must be requested during the application process. A letter from your doctor outlining the medical condition or disability which prevents you from receiving the relevant vaccine and citing the WHO guidelines pertaining to that medical issue will be required. GVI reserves the right to accept or reject the request for an exemption at its sole discretion.
  • Participants who refuse to comply with any vaccination, testing or quarantine requirements will not be permitted to join or continue with their GVI program and will not be eligible for any refund of program fees or program credit.

Program Leaders are not medical professionals, and the standards of medical care in countries where GVI programs are held are likely to be lower than you may be used to. You, and your primary care physician, are responsible for ensuring you are able to manage your own mental and physical wellbeing, including administering any medication, for the entirety of your GVI Program.

It is your responsibility to visit a local travel clinic and ensure you have any necessary vaccines or medications (including all medications prescribed by a medical practitioner) for the full duration of  your GVI Program. GVI cannot guarantee that you will not become infected by any illnesses while on your program (or travelling to or from your program) and you hereby release GVI, its employees, directors, partners and affiliates from any liability in this regard.

GVI reserves the right to require documentation from a doctor or specialist and/or to consult with their own medical and mental health professionals regarding your physical and mental fitness to undertake a program. In addition, GVI reserves the right to dismiss you from your GVI Program if you are not in possession of and/or fail to take medication that is prescribed by a medical practitioner.

GVI reserves the right to reject or cancel a booking on the grounds of either doctor’s comments or medical advice. Any additional medical documentation GVI requires will be at your own expense.

Emergency Contact

Prior to program commencement, you must supply us with emergency contact details of a friend or family member. We reserve the right to contact this person should we deem it necessary.

Other documentation

In order to comply with local visa and permit requirements, you may also be required to provide additional documentation, including, but not limited to, passport details, and flight arrival and departure information. A full list will be provided at the time of booking. If this information is not provided by the deadline stipulated at the time of booking, GVI may cancel your booking without refund.


Visas & Passports


It is your responsibility to ensure you have any necessary visas and a valid passport for your program. Any visa information provided by GVI is done in good faith and for guidance purposes only. GVI and our partners cannot be held responsible for any country’s decision to change visa rules, deny a visa application, or refuse entry, exit or the right of passage (national and local laws governing immigration). We bear no liability for any losses you may incur arising from any such action. In certain cases, you may be required to enter the country on a specific visa to comply with local country laws and regulations.

Where GVI offers to arrange visas on your behalf, we cannot be held responsible for any country’s decision to deny or reject your visa application, and as such any visa fees paid by you to GVI in respect of your visa application remains non-refundable.


Program Fees


GVI and its partners begin preparing for your GVI program as soon as you are accepted, which means we are unable to provide refunds except in the instances outlined in our “Cancellations & Refunds” section below.

If you want the flexibility of being able to cancel either 48 hours or 14 days (depending on your program location) prior to departure and receive a partial refund, you must purchase the Cancellation Waiver at the time of booking. The cost of the Cancellation Waiver is between CAD 490 - CAD 890 depending on the length and location of your GVI program.

GVI’s current program fees are displayed on the website and are subject to change, depending on factors which include (although not limited to) location and date of the program, without notice. However, GVI will communicate the final price to the participant prior to their booking being confirmed. Information on what is included in your program fee will be displayed on the “What’s Included?” tab on the program page.

From time to time, GVI’s Enrollment Managers may award scholarships in line with GVI’s impact aims. These are awarded at GVI’s discretion and are non-transferable.

Your total program fee will be outlined in your acceptance email (subject line “Congratulations! What’s Next?”). 

You will be quoted in the currency of your home country (e.g. country of current permanent residence) and are not eligible to pay in other currencies unless GVI does not offer the currency of your home country. GVI accepts payments in GBP, USD, EUR, CAD, AUD and ZAR. Currency exchange rates are set at GVI’s discretion and do not necessarily reflect current market exchange rates. 

You will have three payment plan options for your booking. The details of which can be found on our Payment Plans page. You will be asked which plan you prefer at the time of booking. Any additional fees will be outlined in your acceptance email (subject line: “Congratulations! What’s Next?”). 

GVI accepts payments by debit card, credit card or bank (EFT) transfer. In the event you pay by credit/debit card, GVI will charge any subsequent payments to that same card on the date they are due. 

If you fail to make any payments on time, you will incur a late payment fee of CAD 48.

Should your payment not be received within 7 days of your payment due date, GVI reserves the right to cancel your program, without refund.




If you elect to use the Fundraising Platform, you will be required to pay the deposit applicable to your program immediately to secure your spot.

Fundraising is subject to a Fundraising Fee of CAD 245 over and above the normal program fee.

Where you elect to use the Fundraising Platform, final payment for your program is due at least 3 calendar months before your program commences (unless otherwise agreed by GVI in writing on a case-by-case basis). This is regardless of whether or not your full fundraising target has been reached.

You are permitted to continue fundraising even after you start your program in the field. The last date you will be permitted to fundraise will be 1 week prior to the end of your program. Any amounts raised by you over and above the total cost of your program will be considered excess funds. Excess funds will be paid out to you, less any debit/credit card processing fees.  Payouts of excess funds may take up to 180 days to process.

Should you cancel your program, all funds allocated towards your program fee will be deemed non-refundable. Excess funds will be refunded as outlined in the clause above.


Ambassador points


The use of Ambassador points to offset program fees is subject to the terms outlined in the Ambassador Manual and program and location availability. At certain times of year or on particular programs or destinations, GVI may not allow or limit the amount of points that can be allocated to your program. Ambassador points are non-transferrable, non-refundable and not redeemable for cash.


Cancellations & Refunds


Force Majeure

GVI reserves the right to cancel or curtail a Program for reasons of force majeure events (which are events that are outside of our control), such as (but not limited to):

  • Acts of God such as natural disasters or disease outbreaks etc
  • War
  • Acts of terrorism
  • Riots or civil unrest
  • Fire
  • Acts or changes in sovereign law or other official government action (including any changes in visa requirements).

For all programs, in cases of force majeure: your program fees will remain non-refundable and you will receive a credit for the amount you have paid. The credit can be used for a program with an alternative start date or GVI destination. Your use of your credit will be subject to program availability. GVI reserves the right to provide alternative destinations or program focuses. Credit is non transferable and not redeemable for cash.

If your program is shortened or otherwise curtailed due to force majeure, your first recourse will be to claim the balance of your program fee from your insurance. In the event the reason for curtailment is not covered (or not typically covered) by insurance, GVI will provide a credit in the amount of your unused program fee which can be used towards a future GVI program. The credit amount will be calculated based upon the services that have been rendered to date, and not a pro-rata amount. Your use of credit will be subject to program availability. GVI reserves the right to provide alternative destinations or program focuses. Credit is non transferable and not redeemable for cash.

In all cases of cancellation by GVI, GVI will not refund you for any additional expenses incurred by you related to your program (other than those expressly mentioned), including, but not limited to, airfare, visa expenses, insurance, documentation and equipment purchases. Please note this list is not exhaustive.

Should you wish to be eligible for a refund in cases of force majeure, please ensure you purchase our Cancellation Waiver at the time of booking. In the event you have purchased the Cancellation Waiver, and GVI has cancelled your program due to force majeure, you will be entitled to a refund of your total program fee paid, less your program deposit of CAD 795 and the Cancellation Waiver fee. Please note that program add-ons (such as accommodation upgrades, TEFL courses, and PADI certifications) will remain non-refundable.

Where GVI cancels or curtails a program outside of cases of force majeure

In all other cases where GVI cancels your program, GVI will provide you with a credit of your program fee paid to use towards an alternative start date or GVI destination. The use of your credit will be subject to program availability. GVI reserves the right to provide alternative destinations or program focuses. Credit is non transferable and not redeemable for cash. Should you decline the offer of credit, GVI will provide you with a full refund of your program fees paid. GVI will not refund you for any other expenses incurred by you related to your program, including, but not limited to, airfare, visa expenses, insurance, documentation and equipment purchases. Please note this list is not exhaustive.

In cases of curtailment outside of force majeure, GVI will provide a transfer to a similar program or destination for the remaining duration of your program. Should the new destination or program be of a higher cost than the original destination, GVI will absorb that cost. In the event GVI is unable to find an alternative destination or program, credit in the amount of your unused program fee will be issued to use towards a future GVI program. The credit amount will be calculated based on the services that have been rendered to date, and not a pro-rata amount. The use of credit will be subject to program availability. GVI reserves the right to provide alternative destinations or program focuses. Should the offer of credit be declined,you will be eligible for a refund of the credit amount.

In all cases where GVI provides refunds, the refund will be made back to the original method of payment. In the event the credit or debit card has expired, the cardholder must contact their bank on how to recover the funds. GVI will not refund alternate accounts or individuals. All refunds incur a processing fee of CAD 19 for each payment that is refunded and can take up to 180 days to process in full.

Where you choose to cancel your program

The following terms differ depending on the location or type of program that you book. Please read through our list of Program Categories so that you know which cancellation terms are applicable to your selected program.

Should you wish to transfer your program to an alternative date and/or location, then the provisions applicable to cancellations will apply (i.e., you will be considered as having cancelled your original program and any credit received may be used to book an alternative program).

For purposes of Category 1 Programs , the following terms will apply:

  • If you cancel your program more than 48 hours before its start date, then GVI will provide you with a credit of your program fee paid (less your program deposit and any program add-ons, such as accommodation upgrades, TEFL courses, PADI certifications etc.) to use towards an alternative start date or GVI destination. However, if you cancel your program 48 hours or less before its start date, then you will not be entitled to a refund or program credit.
  • If you have purchased the Cancellation Waiver, you will receive a partial refund if you cancel your program more than 48-hours prior to its commencement. The partial refund which will be your total program fee, less your program deposit and the Cancellation Waiver fee.

For purposes of Category 2 Programs, the following terms will apply:

  • If you cancel your program more than 14 days before its start date, then GVI will provide you with a credit of your program fee paid (less your program deposit and any program add-ons, such as accommodation upgrades, TEFL courses, PADI certifications etc.) to use towards the same program with an alternative start date. However, if you cancel your program 14 days or less before its start date, then you will not be entitled to a refund or program credit.
  • If you have purchased the Cancellation Waiver, you will receive a partial refund if you cancel your program more than 14 days prior to its commencement. The partial refund which will be your total program fee, less your program deposit and the Cancellation Waiver fee.

For purposes of Category 3 Programs, the following terms will apply:

  • If you cancel your program more than 30 days before its start date, then GVI will provide you with a credit of your program fee paid (less your program deposit and any program add-ons, such as accommodation upgrades, TEFL courses, PADI certifications etc.) to use towards the same program with an alternative start date. However, if you cancel your program 30 days or less before its start date, then you will not be entitled to a refund or program credit.
  • If you have purchased the Cancellation Waiver, you will receive a partial refund if you cancel your program more than 30 days prior to its commencement. The partial refund which will be your total program fee, less your program deposit and the Cancellation Waiver fee.

For all programs, the use of credit will be subject to program availability. Credit is non-transferable and not redeemable for cash. Credit must be used (i.e., the program must be booked) within a period of 12 months starting on the original program’s start date.

Please note that if you cancel or curtail your program for any reason, your full program fees will still be due and any program fees paid will be non-refundable (unless you have purchased the Cancellation Waiver, as set out below).

If you want to have the flexibility to cancel your program prior to departure and be eligible for a partial refund (instead of the credit mentioned above), please ensure that you purchase the Cancellation Waiver at the time of booking.

If you choose to curtail your program, you must claim the balance of your program fee from insurance, as your fees are non-refundable.


Cancellation Waiver (Book with Confidence)


If you elect to purchase a Cancellation Waiver, you must pay for it at the time that you are required to pay for your program – it cannot be taken up at a later stage.

For all programs, program add-ons such as accommodation upgrades, TEFL courses, PADI certifications and language lessons are non-refundable; please note this list is not exhaustive. Processing your refund can take up to 180 days.




By accepting a grant (“the/a Grant”) awarded to you by the GVI Foundation (“the Foundation”) to financially support your participation in a GVI volunteer, internship, online or virtual program (referred to as “GVI Program” for purposes of this clause), you (being a “Grantee”) confirm that you accept and agree to these grant terms and conditions.

Please note that by accepting the Grant, you will enter into a binding legal agreement with GVI and the Foundation.

The Grant Particulars

You understand and accept that: 

  • GVI nominated you to receive a Grant because you would otherwise be unable to attend and contribute to a GVI Program, due to financial constraints. 
  • The Foundation is organised for charitable, educational, scientific, literary and prevention of cruelty to children and animals purposes, and awards Grants to Grantees based on certain criteria relating to the Grantees’ financial means in order to contribute to the achievement of these purposes.
  • The award (and your acceptance) of a Grant means that the Foundation will contribute towards your GVI Program fees.
  • The Grant is non-transferable to other persons, and it is not redeemable in cash.

You confirm and accept that the Grant awarded to you is a contribution to your GVI Program fees in the amount or percentage communicated to you via email.  The Grant will be treated as a deposit paid by the Foundation to GVI on your behalf to secure your place on the selected GVI Program. The remaining balance of your GVI Program fees will be payable by you to GVI in accordance with your selected payment plan.

Cancellation of a GVI Program

The below terms apply in conjunction with the GVI Terms applicable to cancellations and refunds. 

Where you are eligible for GVI Program credit:

  • only the amount paid by you will be credited to you to use on another GVI Program. For the avoidance of doubt, the Grant is not credited to you, which means you would have to apply for a further Grant when booking your GVI Program and using your credit (it is not guaranteed that you will be awarded a further Grant for your chosen GVI Program). 
  • should you decline the offer of credit, only the amount paid by you to GVI will be refunded to you (where you are entitled to a refund in accordance with the GVI Terms), and not the Grant. 

Where you are not entitled to any credit then the amounts paid by or on behalf of you to GVI will be non-refundable (including the Grant).

Where you are eligible for a refund (whether full or partial) in accordance with the GVI Terms, then only the amount paid by you to GVI (and for which you are entitled to a refund) will be refundable and not the Grant.


Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations


The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 (“PTR”), applies to Program packages which include two of the following:

  • Carriage of passengers (e.g. flights or train tickets);
  • Accommodation;
  • Rental of cars; and/or
  • Any other tourist service which accounts for a significant portion of the value of the package.

In addition, in order for the PTR to apply:

  • The Program package must also have one point of sale (e.g. it will not apply for groups where flights or activities are paid for separately); and
  • The participant must be a resident of the UK or European Union. Participants based outside of the UK and European Union are not covered under PTR.

Depending on the custom itinerary designed for the program, PTR may or may not apply. The participant will receive information about the applicability of PTR prior to concluding an agreement with GVI.

PTR does not apply to a vast majority of the programs offered by GVI. However, only where PTR does apply (as communicated to you by GVI):

  • if the program is cancelled due to force majeure, the participant will be entitled to a full refund;
  • the participant will be eligible to transfer the package to another participant who meets the PTR requirements outlined above, upon the provision of sufficient notice to GVI and subject to additional fees being payable, where applicable; and
  • the participant will be eligible for insolvency protection as outlined in the PTRs.

For more detailed information about these regulations please visit this website.




We plan arrangements for the program many months in advance and may occasionally have to make changes, most of which are minor. All programs are subject to availability. Future start dates for destinations or programs cannot be guaranteed.

If a major change becomes necessary, we will inform you of the change as soon as possible. When a major change occurs, you will have the choice of either:

  • accepting the change; or
  • cancelling the program, in which case any refund or credit will be dealt with in accordance with the above terms that are applicable when you cancel the program.


Under 18s


If you are under the age of 18, and a legal guardian is travelling with you, they will be entering into this agreement on your behalf by completing your application for a Program.

If you are under 18, and will be travelling unaccompanied, your legal guardian must accept these terms and enter into this agreement on your behalf, in order to confirm your place on your program.

GVI will also provide a consent & release form, which must be signed by all of your legal guardians and notarized, at least 2 weeks prior to departure (or such other time communicated to you by GVI in writing).

Under 18 programs require a minimum number of participants to operate. You will be notified of your program status at least 12 weeks prior to your start date. In the event your selected program does not reach the required minimum number of participants, you will be given a list of programs to select as an alternative. Your program will then be transferred for free. We recommend not booking any flights or incurring other non-transferable expenses prior to receiving your program confirmation. GVI will not refund you for any expenses incurred by you related to your program, including, but not limited to, airfare, visa expenses, insurance, documentation and equipment purchases. Please note this list is not exhaustive.

GVI offers Under 18 programs to participants who are US Citizens or Permanent Residents that give them the opportunity to receive the President’s Volunteer Service Award. There is no cost but you must select the Award during the application process. In the event you do not complete your program, either voluntarily or the result of expulsion, or receive disciplinary action of any kind, you will no longer be eligible to receive the Award and will not receive any reimbursement of any kind. The Award will be sent to the address supplied during your pre-departure process within 12 weeks of your program completion.


On Your GVI Program


Health & Safety

You must always respect and follow the health and safety procedures as set out by GVI, the Program Leaders and/or the representative in the host country.

GVI and its partners reserve the right to search your bag, room or property where there is deemed a health and safety, legal or other serious risk, such as the possession of illegal and illicit substances, including marijuana.

In the event you break any local laws, we (and our partners) will bear no liability and will not be required to mediate the matter on your behalf with local authorities.

GVI’s Program Leaders reserve the right to make decisions on your emergency medical care where it is deemed essential to do so by the most qualified in-country staff member in the event you are not able to do so yourself. GVI will not be held liable for the outcome of such care.

Disciplinary Procedures including Expulsion

By partaking in a GVI Program, you agree to be bound by our Code of Conduct, a copy of which will be provided to you.

GVI reserves the right to issue a warning of any kind, as well as expulsion, regardless of whether any warnings have been given. All disciplinary action will be documented and take place in front of a witness, where appropriate.

Your first offence will usually result in a verbal warning or written warning where appropriate. Repeated offences following a warning could lead to a written warning or a final written warning as appropriate. Thereafter any further offences will result in expulsion.

A full list of program and in-country rules, regulations and procedures will be provided at the start of your program, during your health & safety briefing. 

The following non-exhaustive list details actions that are grounds for immediate expulsion:

  • Possession, taking, or supplying of illegal or mind-altering substances, including marijuana;
  • Consuming alcohol or being intoxicated while on project or while interacting with GVI’s program partners;
  • Breaking local laws;
  • Bullying, displaying cruel, thoughtless or rude behaviour or committing acts which could injure or harm another Participant, a Program Leader, a member of staff, community member or any other person;
  • Disobeying GVI’s, the Program Leader’s or the representative in the host country’s instructions in relation to health and safety; 
  • Disruption or obstruction of Program activities;
  • Omitting or misrepresenting any medical history on your medical form or forging your medical practitioner’s signature;
  • Displaying any concerning behaviours, indicating a potential risk to self or others, which the Program Leaders feel, in their sole discretion, warrant immediate medical treatment or counselling;
  • Failing to carry and/or take any medication that is prescribed by a medical practitioner;
  • If the Program Leaders feel it is in the best interests of your health and safety or the program in general; and/or
  • Committing an act or displaying behaviour which could jeopardise future GVI Programs within the host country or lead to the souring of relations between GVI, its partners, and/or the host communities or host country.

In the event of expulsion for any reason, you will not be entitled to any reimbursement from GVI or our partners, nor will GVI (or our partners) be responsible for any additional costs incurred by you as a result of expulsion. You will receive notification of your expulsion in writing. GVI reserves the right to share this document with your next of kin should we feel the circumstances warrant it. In serious cases, where the Program Leader feels the health and safety of others has been or could be impacted, you may be required to leave GVI premises immediately. In most other instances, GVI will provide a deadline for departure and can assist with arranging alternative accommodation or transportation which will be at your own cost. Following your departure, GVI will no longer be responsible for you.

Any requests to dispute dismissal must be put in writing to [email protected] whereafter you will be sent our complaints form for completion. GVI will then provide an off site senior manager to review the case and make a full and final decision.


If you are joining a professional apprenticeship with work-placements at GVI or partner organizations, you will be required to complete and pass ongoing assessments in order to be offered a placement or continuation of your current placement. These assessments are academic, practical, and based on general performance and behaviour all of which will be marked through continuous assessment and performance reviews. Placements are offered at the full discretion of GVI and no refund will be issued in the event that you are not offered a Placement.

GVI Experiences

The activities listed on the “Experiences” section of the site, are example activities and are subject to change, substitution or there being a minimum number of participants present. The activities included in your program are dependent on the length of your program and are subject to scheduling requirements. It is a requirement that your travel insurance covers any activities you wish to undertake and it is your responsibility for ensuring your travel insurance covers such activities. You are responsible for ensuring you are medically fit to participate in these activities, however, GVI and/or Program Leaders, in their sole discretion, reserve the right to restrict participation in certain activities if they feel it is in the best interest of health and safety. No refunds will be given in the event an activity is cancelled or you are unable or unwilling to participate in the activity. Such activities may be delivered by third parties and GVI accepts no liability on behalf of those parties for bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage which results from your participation.

Activities outside of GVI

International travel provides an opportunity for various tourist activities and experiences. GVI and our partners cannot bear any liability for activities that you choose to undertake that are not officially included in your GVI program. What is included in the program is laid out in the “What’s Included” tab on your chosen program’s page on our website. These rules apply regardless of whether we introduce or recommend a given activity or provider.

Virtual Interns & Professional Apprenticeship

If you are joining a Virtual Internship or Professional Apprenticeship, you may produce products/projects for GVI or other third-party organisations. Any work product you produce in connection with your internship or apprenticeship will remain the property of the organisation you produced it for. This includes but is not limited to documentation, reports, ideas, software, improvements, or inventions. In addition you will receive no compensation from these organisations nor will you be entitled to any share in profits which may result directly or indirectly from your work product.

Research Fellowships

If you are joining a Research Fellowship you are agreeing to, and will be bound by, our Research Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) which outlines your research parameters and requirements. The MOU will be sent by your support coordinator prior to program commencement. Any research topics provided on the website or during enrollment are based on currently available activities and may change subject to the needs of our partners. You will be responsible for ensuring your Research or Academic internship meets any requirements required by your academic institution. GVI will not be responsible, nor will you be eligible for any refund, in the event your academic institution does not approve, or revokes approval of, your internship or research.

Conservation Internships

If you are joining a conservation internship, you will be required to undertake training prior to departing for the relevant internship program. In this regard please note that:

  • Participants must complete all mandatory pre-departure training modules and achieve a grade of 100% in order to be eligible to participate in GVI project work and therefore partake in the internship program.
  • GVI reserves the right to prohibit a participant’s participation in project work (without recourse) until the participant has achieved the required pass rate in the mandatory pre-departure training.
  • Participants must complete the mandatory pre-departure training before the start date of the program. Failure to do so may result in the participant having to complete the training in-country before they can take part in certain project work contemplated in the internship program.

Program Data

Any research, data, reports, photographs and documentation collected by you on your GVI program remains the property of GVI or our in-country partners. GVI or our in-country partner’s permission must be received before that data can be used (e.g. before you can include it in a research or scientific paper). No compensation will be provided to you for any data or research you collect.

Any program equipment provided in-country remains the property of GVI and must be returned in good, working order upon conclusion of your GVI program. In the event such equipment is lost or damaged due to your negligence, you must pay for or replace it.

Program Media

By partaking in or allowing a minor under your care to partake in a GVI program, you give us (and our partners and affiliates) permission to take and/or use your image or the image of a minor, who is under your care, whether in photograph,video, or any other form of media (and including where the media was not produced or taken by GVI, but rather made available to GVI) (collectively referred to as “media”), in GVI’s media publications and other promotional, commercial or marketing material, which may include, but is not limited to, the posting of such media on social media and/or GVI’s website. In particular:

  • you acknowledge and agree that your image, or the image of your child (as the case may be), may be taken and/or shared by GVI and/or other individuals or parents with access to GVI’s social media platforms.
  • you waive any right to inspect or approve of the media that may be used.
  • you waive any right to receive credit, royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the media, as well as any other media or materials that you publish on social media or otherwise make available to GVI.


Online Training & Courses


As part of your training, you may receive access to our online courses. By accessing these courses and other online training materials, you agree to, and are bound by, our Terms of Service.

Where you are required to complete online training or attend courses/lessons prior to your attendance at your program (as communicated to you by GVI) and where you fail to do so, then GVI reserves the right to refuse to allow you to participate in certain or all program activities in GVI’s sole  discretion, and you will not be entitled to receive a refund of your program fees paid (whether partial or in full) or any program credit.

Any optional GVI Online Courses included in your program fee must be requested during your application call. No substitutions will be allowed nor will you be eligible for any credit or refund in the event that you do not access a course included in your program fee.


Career Coaching


Interns, Research Fellows and Professional Apprentices are eligible to receive two Career Coaching sessions. To receive these sessions, you must schedule them no more than 12 weeks following your program completion. By signing up, you agree to indemnify us and the person providing the career coaching sessions from any liability relating to what you discuss in any coaching sessions and from any liability for decisions you make on the basis of what you discuss with the person providing the career coaching sessions.


Job Guarantee


Interns, Research Fellows or Professional Apprentices who complete a minimum of 12 weeks on their program are eligible to receive GVI’s Career Guarantee provided they meet the terms outlined on our Career Guarantee Policy.


Employment with GVI


Participation on a GVI internship, work placement or any other program does not constitute an offer for employment with GVI or its Partners, or any guarantee or expectation of an offer of employment upon completion.


Job Portal


GVI assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability, for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of any vacancies in its Job Portal.




To receive a LinkedIn reference for your GVI program, you must complete an Internship, Research Fellowship or Professional Apprenticeship and request one within 4 weeks of your program end date. GVI reserves the right to refuse to provide you with a reference in the event you received disciplinary action of any kind whilst on your GVI program. References are given in good faith and GVI, nor its staff members, are liable for any errors or omissions contained in any written or verbal references.

Should you require GVI to complete any forms or documentation following your GVI program, you must send them to [email protected] within 4 weeks of your program end date. GVI reserves the right to refuse to complete any forms in the event you received disciplinary action of any kind or failed to successfully complete any part of your GVI program.




You should direct any in writing to [email protected] where you will be requested to complete a complaint form. GVI will not engage with complaints made by third parties unless explicitly directed in writing by you. Where you are under 18, your parent or legal guardian must explicitly direct GVI to engage with a third party regarding you or your participation.


Personal Risk


You accept that you will be subjected to various emotional, physical and psychological demands by participating in a Program. You are aware and accept that the standard of living in the relevant country, including food, hygiene and accommodation, may be below the general standards of your own country.

You also understand that certain risks may arise, including, but not limited to:

  • hazards of travelling in remote areas; 
  • travel by automobile, van, bus, aeroplane, boat, train or any other means of conveyance; 
  • the forces of nature; 
  • civil disturbances; 
  • national or international conflicts; 
  • terrorism; 
  • arbitrary itinerary changes made by foreign governments or vendors; 
  • dive related accidents, boat accidents; 
  • interacting with dangerous wildlife; 
  • personal injury or illness from the local environment; 
  • accident or illness in remote locations without immediate evacuation or medical facilities; or
  • negligent acts of third parties. 


You confirm and agree to all of the following:

  • you understand these and other risks inherent in such a program;
  • you also confirm that your participation is completely voluntary;
  • you assume all risk associated with your fieldwork; and
  • you agree to indemnify us and those involved in delivering the fieldwork component against any claims of any kind that arise from your participation. 

These claims include those arising both directly and indirectly from your participation in the program.




GVI will not pay financial compensation which exceeds the amount of your program fee, as outlined in your acceptance email, except in cases of death or personal injury caused by GVI’s gross negligence.

In cases of death or personal injury caused by GVI’s gross negligence, any liability by GVI and/or its employees, partners and/or its agents is limited to the financial amount that will be paid out by the insurance policies in GVI’s name. If no compensation is received from these policies, then any and all liability whatsoever, including without limitation, claims grounded in negligence, is hereby limited to a maximum amount of CAD 3,500.


Application & Governing Law

English (UK) Law shall apply to this Agreement and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.